The Salonice Chronicles
So the October update never happened, then it was November and NaNoWriMo ate my soul.  But I got a solid first draft out of that, so it was definitely worth having to put Meroe and crew on the sidelines. 

And of course no one is actually reading this, so no one is weeping for the terribly long time it's taking me to post, so there's that. :)

Anyway, chapter fifteen is up.  Meroe has now met the President of the Phoenix Alliance and Cheyne Tremils has put into motion his somewhat less than nefarious plan (though hardly selfless). 

As some of you (the delightful imaginary thousands, lol) may recall, Turning is the year end holiday on Salonice, similar to New Years Eve here on Earth, only it last four days. 

So Happy Turning to you all!

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